The Gardeners Gift Guide

Do you have someone in your life who loves to garden? In today's world, there are a lot more people who enjoy gardening. Gardening has seen a boom in popularity for the past couple of years for reasons I don't need to mention. Especially here on the Garden Island do we have a growing community of gardeners (pun intended) who are sticking to the soil and planting home gardens.

You may be wondering though, "what can I give to that green thumbed gardener in my life?" If you yourself aren't an owner of a green thumb, there's a good chance that the most obvious gift ideas that come to mind won't be what a gardener needs.

Your beloved plant lover probably wont be too enthused over a grow kit for an indoor herb garden, a tote that says "I love Coconuts", or a chia pet.  You can do much better than that!

Thankfully for you, we've put together a Gift Guide for that special gardener in your life. Here at the Nursery we are a one stop shop for gardener gift giving. Read on and see what we've got!

Pretty Gifts

I don't know a gardener that doesn't love a plant as a gift, do you? Being a gardener myself, when someone gives me a plant I know that they understand my love language. We have a variety of pretty gifts in the form of specialty flowers like Orchids, Hibiscus, and Gardenia's that are sure to provide a gift of blooms for years to come.

Practical Gifts

Ask a gardener what they can't live without and it's likely some kind of tool or fertilizer that has stood the test of time and repetitive use. It can take a bit of experimentation to fine tune what tool works best for the type of gardening you are doing. Finding the right nutrients for specific plants (veggies vs herbs) can also take a bit of time and specific know how.

It's a good thing we are time tested and tool proficient gardeners here at the nursery! We have done the heavy lifting for you and figured out what it is that gardeners want and need. Come in and check out our selection of tools and amendments that will be just the right gift for your practical gardener.

Sustainable Gifts

Gardeners believe that to plant a seed is to believe in a better tomorrow. They are patient and wait for the harvest, knowing that at least in the future they will have something tasty to eat! We are stocked with Organic seeds, starts, and gorgeous planters that even the simplest or most elegant of container gardeners will appreciate. ( Seed packets make the perfect stocking stuffer!)

Seasonal Gifts

Want it all? Gift your gardener with something pretty, practical, and sustainable in seasonable fashion! We like to provide specialty, seasonal items during this time of year to offer our customers an alternative choice to imported and plastic holiday decorations. Color coordinated and on theme we've got winter blooming Amaryllis, Gift Certificates, and mini decorated trees! Deck the halls of your loved ones with these pretty and practical gifts sure to please anyone with a green thumb.

We do the Holiday's differently at Seascapes Nursery and we hope you've enjoyed this post. We pride ourselves in being able to offer Quality Plants, Friendly Staff, and Expert Advice. We hope your Holidays are filled with lot's of green cheer!

Come stop by and let us help you find and prepare the perfect gift for that special gardener in your life!


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