Assistant Manager - Sales Desk

Heralding from Virginia and the West Coast, Katherine spends her days doing a little bit of everything. You may see her spearheading the sales desk or assisting you with a design consult and layout. She has an amazing background in environmental and philanthropical endeavors. A few worthy of mention is the Peace Corps from West Africa, Audubon outreach programs, and out-planting in reserve areas with Kauai’s own National Tropical Botanical Gardens (NTBG).

She always wanted to be in a more tropical location and fell in love with Kauai. Seascapes was fortunate to be able to hire her fresh out of a masters program in science, geography, and environmental systems. She loves to get her hands dirty and spent the first year at Seascapes getting to know the 500+ plants in stock. She’ll be happy to answer any of your plant ID questions!

Her favorite plants are the native’s because she loves the stories behind plants and their history. She ruminates on how these plants got here and how they have adapted to their environment with strength and splendor. Katherine feels that when you get to know plants they can help you understand something about the environment and connect you to a sense of place and belonging. The plants can give you courage to be a steward of the land.



